Closest Mikvah | Chabad San Antonio, TX (2.5 hrs drive from Corpus Christi, TX)

Appointments & Information:
Use of the Chabad Community Mikvah is by appointment only. To schedule your Mikvah experience, please call 210-764-0300. 

Please drive into the secure Chabad Center for Jewish Life and Learning (Mikvah attendent will give you a code) and proceed to the designated Mikvah parking. You will be greeted by the attendent.

Hours of Operation:
The Mikvah is open after nightfall on weeknights, Shabbat & Holidays. It is closed twice yearly, on Yom Kippur and the 9th of Av


Mikvah Fees:

Family Mikvah Membership        $275.00 Yearly
Includes unlimited personal and Toiveling of dishes use.

One-Time Visit                            $25.00 per visit
Includes robe and towels. (Personal Preparation Kit an additional $5)

Kallah-Bride Experience             $36.00
Includes robe, towels and personal preparation kits and special amenities

Toiveling of Dishes                      $5.00
Please coordinate with the office administrator.

For further information, please follow Chabad San Antonio - Mikvah link below: